
Cannabis Sales Soaring in Ontario

Early Numbers Show Canadians “Aren’t Willing to Give Up” Cannabis During Pandemic – LPC

Cannabis sales soaring in Ontario.Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) data over the past six weeks show cannabis sales soaring in Ontario. At the beginning of March, daily online orders were about 2,300 per day. That jumped to 6,042 on March 16 when Prime Minister Trudeau announced Canada would close the border. The high came on April 3 when the Ontario government declared cannabis stores non-essential services. That more than anything sent cannabis sales soaring in Ontario as they topped 13,691. (Ontario later reversed that by allowing cannabis stores in Ontario to re-open to pickup and delivery.)

Today, two weeks later, daily sales are around 9,000 orders. Most telling though is that more than a third are new OCS customers. OCS chief commercial officer Cheri Mara said that the pandemic is affecting long-term sales – in Ontario at least.

“It’s going to stabilize, but I don’t think we’re going to be going back to 2,300 orders a day,” Mara said.

Cannabis sales soaring in Ontario doesn’t mean they are soaring elsewhere. Alefia reported a drop in wholesale sales to Alberta of 25 per cent, but a rise to Quebec of 40 per cent. Perhaps there is a link between soaring sales today and availability before. Alberta has the most cannabis stores by far per capita.

This editorial content from the LPC News Team provides analysis, insight, and perspective on current news articles. To read the source article this commentary is based upon, please click on the link below.


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