
Air Canada Diversion Underlines Travelling with Cannabis Risks

Air Canada
Air Canada

Passengers Travelling with Cannabis Caught Off Guard, But Here’s a Solution– LPC

Travelling with cannabis has risks if you get diverted to the US, passengers find.An Air Canada flight diverted from Vancouver to Seattle underlines the risks of travelling with cannabis. The flight from Toronto couldn’t land due to fog, so touched down in Seattle to refuel. There, the plane developed a maintenance issue forcing passengers off the plane.

“I hope nobody is carrying cannabis or CBD oil,” mused passenger Harold Wax.

That’s when the woman next to him realized she was. “I have CBD oil on me for my bad joints,” she said.

Travelling with cannabis is legal in Canada. Passengers are allowed to carry 30 grams or 100 millilitres of CBD oil for recreational use; more if they have medical documentation. However, that’s only for domestic flights. It is illegal to bring cannabis outside of the country.

Although getting diverted to the United States can be unexpected, there is no grey area for customs officials in foreign countries. If you’re travelling with cannabis, even if it’s legal in Canada (and, in this case, Washington state), it’s still illegal federally in the US.

Immigration Lawyer Recommends You “Trash Your Stash” – LPC

Immigration lawyer Richard Kurland said that if you’re travelling with cannabis and you land in the US, trash your stash.

“The best practical advice is queue for that washroom,” he said. “The flight attendant should keep that washroom available to passengers who may need to dispose of any cannabis product in their possession.”

Of course, this assumes that you are travelling with cannabis in your carry-on. Kurland didn’t say what to do if you have it stowed in your checked baggage, which also legal in Canada.

From the beginning, Canadians have needed to educate themselves on travelling with cannabis. Crossing into the US with it can result in a hefty fine and a lifetime ban. Even if you are not, stating you are going to a state where it is “legal” can get you banned. There have been instances of industry workers being banned, but for the most part that is only if they are travelling for cannabis-related activities.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway is that if you are travelling with cannabis on a domestic flight, put it in your carry-on. That way, it will be easier to trash in the rare event you are diverted.

This editorial content from the LPC News Team provides analysis, insight, and perspective on current news articles. To read the source article this commentary is based upon, please click on the link below.

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